Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My first steps in blogging ....

... started with the search of a name for my blog. And then I realized I would need to check if that blog name was available. Needless to say, I was late (like usual) to jump on the blogging bandwagon and most names I wanted were already taken :) My husband then stepped in with more names to check availability. Rightfully, he should be helping me as well, after all he was the one who put the blogging bug into my head or rather bugging a blog out of me!

For starters, I plan to have a collection of recipes tried and borrowed, my thoughts, my observations and day to day activities.

Till today I only visited blogs to check various things. Actually, more often than not, it was to check recipes. Yes, eating is a passion but cooking, not as much. But since moving to the US, I had no option but to cook or face the hefty restaurant bills or worse rein in my taste buds. This led me to refer to blogs extensively to provide direction.

Living close to Edison has its advantages like the proximity to all things Indian. The other day we had pani puri, bhel puri and samosa chat.... mmm... heavenly I tell you. Then went to the shop next to the restaurant for ice-cream - gulab, cassatta, aapus were some of the choices. I guess I have managed to make quite a few mouths water here :)
With this, I end for now.

Thanks for visiting my blog and please post your thoughts, comments and feedback.

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