Friday, August 30, 2013

Cabbage Thoran / Gobi sabji

The other day, my mother-in-law mentioned that she always kept cabbage in the frig because it stored well and was easy to prepare when people came over unannounced. That's true, the chopping does not take much time and the cabbage is a no-fuss vegetable that cooks quickly. In Kerala, the sabji is made in an easier than other ways. Cabbage has to be cut thin and fine and should be cooked only as much that it retains a slight crunch to it. The best thing of all, is that you can put in all the ingredients and leave it to cook without having to stir it. And it takes just about 10 minutes to cook.
Cabbage - 2 cups, tightly packed
Green chilli - 2
Curry Leaves - 4 to 5
Turmeric powder - 1tsp
Mustard Seeds
Salt - 1tsp
Oil - 1tsp
Coconut - 1tbsp, grated
Cut the cabbage in thin and fine pieces, wash it and put in a colander to drain. Heat oil in a kadhai and when hot, add the mustard seeds. When it splutters add the green chilli, curry leaves, turmeric powder, chopped cabbage and salt. Mix well and bring it all together in the kadhai and cover with a lid and cook on low heat. After about 10 minutes check to see if cooked and sprinkle the grated coconut and mix well. Wait for a minute and take off the heat. It is ready to be served. 
Cabbage thoran can be served with rice and sambhar or any other Kerala kootaan.

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