Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Batatacha Kaap / Kaapti

Years and years ago we kids from out building found different ways to keep ourselves entertained during school vacations. We were about 5 girls with a max age difference of 3 years among us, the youngest being me. During one of those vacations, we agreed on the idea that each one of us would cook one dish in the presence of the others. The dish would be an easy to cook recipe and something which the others may not have had earlier or rarely had. Of the 5 of us, I did not have to demonstrate since I was considered a kachaa limbu. I now suspect, kachaa was applied more to my mental aspect; physically I was anyway small made (Then!). One of our friends, N made a Batata Kaap / Batata Kaapti, it can be described as sliced potato fritters, and it was completely new to us. And from then on, I have loved the Batatacha Kaap / Kaapti after long we revisited it again last night.
The best thing about this is that I don't remember what anyone else did with the exception of N and her yummy Batata Kaap. Growing up, my sister and I did not really do much in the kitchen unless we were searching the dabbas for biscuits or chivdas. Mom being a stay at home mother meant we got hot and yummy food without doing anything. It sounds so mean of us now, but even now mom does it happily when visiting. And that's another topic completely, but this was to say that I don't know if my sister did anything for that cook and show session, actually did any of the others?
And now, back to the Batatacha Kaap, it is a simple dish that can bring that extra zing to a usual, boring meal. Kaap can also be an alternative to the Batatachi bhaji, if you ignore that extra oil needed. But potato in any form is always yum, right? and today it is Batata Kaap.
Batata Kaap cooking away
Potato / Batata - 2, medium sized
Red chilli pwd - 1tsp
Turmeric pwd - 1/2tsp
Asafoetida / Hing - couple of pinches
Wheat Flour - 3 tbsp
Oil 2 to 3 tbsp
Salt as per taste
Slice the batata / potatoes by hand and put it in water. Slices should be slightly thick because really thin slices will make the kaap crisp. Mix the wheat flour, salt, red chilli powder, turmeric powder and asafoetida well. Drain the potato slices and wipe dry with a towel. Coat the slices well in the wheat flour mix. Leave it in that mix for a few minutes so that any moisture from the potato is coated with the flour mix.
Heat the oil in a flat pan, lower the heat to low and spread the potato slices on it. Keep space in between the slices so the potato cooks well. Flip each one over after a few minutes and cook. Ensure the slices are cooked through by pricking it to check. Flip over again to get a slightly crisp outer. Once done take it out on a serving platter.  

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