Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Breakfast at Karnataka Bhavan

Happy New Year to all my readers!

We opened our New Year on the couch in front of the television nibbling sweet this and that. I am hoping all of you had a good time last night and are looking forward to welcoming the new year.
Today morning we decided to have breakfast at a restaurant rather than at home. And like the saying, "mulley ki daud masjid tak", goes, we chose a South Indian place - Karnataka Bhavan for a nice breakfast. Karnataka Bhavan's entrance was decorated with flowers with strings of flowers hanging from the doorways and flowers laid down both sides of the stairs. It wasn't overflowing with people like we usually see at lunchtime. So we quickly chose a table and ordered a filter coffee to warm us up even before he got the glasses of water. We then went on to order our breakfast - vada sambhar, ghee rawa dosa and a tiffin thali. The tiffin thali has a masala dosa, an idli, a wada and katories of upma, pongal and khara bhaath with unlimited sambhar and chutney. We had one more filter coffee before leaving. It was a nice morning outside and the day looked better after that warm food hit our bellies.
Hopefully you are also enjoying your day.

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