Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Grilled Pineapple

Grilling meats and vegetables is common not so much fruits. But it is common to grill fruits in Caribbean cuisine. Pineapple makes for a great fruit to grill and only enhances it sweetness. Grilling fruits makes the sweet fruit sweeter and sharper, if that is possible.
This week at the weekly market there was vendor selling pineapples and thankfully cleaning them giving this lovely flower shape look. I try getting at least one different fruit each week and this week when I saw the pineapples, I was sure I had to get it. We normally enjoy it plain, but since I had the sniffles I wanted something warm to eat and that's when I thought of grilling it.
You don't need a recipe for this, all you do is put it on the grill and let the natural juices of the pineapple do the rest for you. I did brush a miniscule bit of salted butter on the slices before grilling both sides till the grilled lines was nice and dark. For a slight twist, sprinkle a little brown sugar and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Personally, I like it simple with no additives, just the sharp sweetness of pineapple. This Grilled Pineapple makes a great dessert especially for a larger crowd and when offering a range of desserts.

My Grilled Pineapple goes to Flavors of the World - Grand Finale hosted by Nayna.


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