Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mushroom, Baby Corn, Broccoli Stir Fry

The fresh and crisp taste of a vegetable stir fry have always tempted me. Hence when I see some fresh vegetables in the market, I lose no time in picking them up. The only catch is that, in this case I am the only one eating it since my husband cannot be convinced to eat stir fries. The weekly market continues to give some good vegetables and my pick last week was spring onions, a pack of mushrooms, a pack of baby corn and broccoli with the express intention to make a mixed vegetable stir fry.
The quantities are good for 2 if served as a side with pasta or mashed potatoes else make a meal of it without anything else, like I did.
Spring onions - 4
Broccoli florets - 1/2 cup
Mushroom - 4 to 5
Baby Corn - 4 to 5
Onion - 1, small size (optional)
Butter - 1 tbsp
Black pepper pwd - a couple of pinches
Salt as per taste
Slice the mushrooms, cut the baby corn in half and then slit them. Chop the greens of the spring onion and slice the bulbs. Chop the onion.
Heat a pan and add the butter in. Add the chopped onion, saute for a minute and add the sliced spring onion bulbs. Saute till translucent and add the mushroom and baby corn and saute for a couple of minutes. Then add in the broccoli and continue sauteeing. Sprinkle the black pepper powder and a little salt and stir well. Check for seasoning and add salt only if required since the butter would also have increased the salt content. Take it off heat and serve it hot.


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