Monday, November 4, 2013

Radish and Onion in Lentil Pancake

This is a lovely pancake to have on a cool winter morning. Use seasonal vegetables or greens to make different pancakes.
Ingredients (makes 2)
Moong dal / split Mung bean - 1/2 cup
Onion - 1, small
Radish - 1, small
Green chilli - 2
Asafoetida - 1 pinch
Salt as per taster
Oil to make the pancakes
Slice the onions into medium thick pieces and cut the radish into 1.5inch slightly thick sticks.  
Soak the moong dal for an hour in plenty of water. Wash and drain the dal and grind it to a fine paste along with the green chilli, asafoetida and salt. The batter should be medium thick and easily pourable.

Grease a pan lightly then pour a little batter and spread it into a square shape. Quickly lay the onion slices and radish sticks on the whole pancake. Add liberal quantities of the veges, this is a vegetable heavy pancake. Pour some more batter in a zigzag manner on top of the onion and radish and spread to cover the vegetables completely. Spoon some oil around the pancake and let it set. Lift the edges of the pancake to check if set and if golden. Flip over and cook the other side. Flip over to crisp both sides. This pancake should be crisp on the outside, the inside remains slightly soft because its a lentil batter.
Serve it hot.

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