Friday, December 27, 2013

Vegetable Frittata with potato, tomato, spinach and onion

Frittata, the Italian vegetable omelette that is filling enough to make it meal on its own. Once you have a frittata, this will be your omelette of choice. Apart from the taste, the frittata makes for a healthy dish with the addition of all the vegetables in it.
Ingredients (for 1 omelette)
Eggs - 2
Onion - 1
Spinach - 10 to 12 leaves
Tomato - 1
Potato - 1
Cheese - I used mozzarella, and cut about 5 slices from the side, you can reduce or add as much as you want.
Salt as per taste
Black pepper pwd
Slice the onion, potato and tomato and cheese and keep aside.
Heat a pan and add a teaspoon of butter and saute the onion till just translucent and keep aside. Add a little more butter and sear both sides of the potato slices and keep aside. In the same pan lay the spinach leaves for a minute so that it is just wilted and take it out immediately. Add the tomato slices and sear both sides and take it out.
Grease a baking dish and start with layering the vegetables. Start with the potato slices at the bottom, then lay half of the spinach leaves, lay the sauteed onions over that and the tomato slices over the onions. Add the rest of the spinach leaves over the tomato slices.
In a separate bowl beat the eggs with a little salt and black pepper powder. Pour this over the layered vegetables and pop the baking dish into the oven to bake at 160 degree Celsius. After 5 minutes top the baking omelette with the cheese slices and let it bake till firm. Carefully take the pan out and after a few minutes serve it.
This is a filling meal in itself without adding any bread. When making for more people increase the quantity and bake in a larger dish and cut into wedges to serve.

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